What do an article in Wired magazine about attaching a sensor to your running shoe and uploading it via iPod for data analysis, a camping trip, an article about wearing video screens, a scientist husband, a discussion about wildlife parks, office work, and work by a W3C working group have in common? If you can […]
XML – XSL Programming Features
Note: this is an historical post, which I originally wrote in 2008. I’ve pulled it from my archives and am reposting it today without changes. – Julie 3/30/2020 In case you’re pondering whether or not to shift your docs to XML, here is another reason to do so. One great feature of XML is the […]
Why Tech Writers Should Know Database Design
IMO, all tech writers should know the basics of relational database design. Colleges should incorporate it into tech writing programs. I’m convinced of it. Why? I had worked for many years as a tech writer before taking a database design class, and have continued to work in that capacity for a number of years (and […]