Today’s businesses necessarily have a robust online presence. The list of platforms seems to grow by the day. It requires much time and effort to maintain content for a website – and the site itself. For descriptions of content and web options that I can provide to help your business, read on!
Content Strategy
Developing content for websites and related online platforms requires much planning.
- Content audits*
- Review of existing website, social media, email marketing, and any other existing materials
- Determination of business goals for content
* Content audits include:
- Review of existing posts, pages, videos, and other content
- Categories and tags cleanup
- Development of review schedule for maintenance purposes
Content Development
Communication takes many forms. Online content has many pieces. Your website is the hub, and email and social platforms are part of the overall system.
When preparing content, it’s important to keep all communication styles in mind. Some prefer written materials. Others prefer video. It’s good to have a mix of all types. Written materials provide more opportunity to share more information. For videos, time is limited so some detail is lost.
For all content, some research is likely required.
- Individual blog posts (essay, list, procedures, evergreen)
- Series blog posts: requires extra research and planning
- Reuse options
- Video production
- Tutorial production
- Graphics
Email Marketing
There are a number of rules and laws to keep in mind when preparing email marketing. Be sure that you’re staying within guidelines. I can help plan and prepare email marketing newsletters to send to your subscribers. I can also help set up accounts and design templates to use for emails and autoresponders.
Technical Documentation
Technical Communication is a specialized form of writing that requires specific training and experience. Basically, it involves the preparation of reference materials. Materials are written in a concise, clear manner. It’s not fiction writing or journalism.
Software and Websites
Preparation of user docs for an application includes testing, bug reporting, graphics, organization, and more. Content is written with single-sourcing and reuse in mind. I also create video tutorials using Camtasia. Work on user docs for apps requires working directly with the developers and QA.
- Knowledgebases
- User Guides
- Quick references
- Infographics
- Video tutorials
Businesses require guidelines! Preparation includes research and interaction with SMEs to develop materials.
- Policy and Procedure Guides
- Social Media policy guidelines
Graphics and Videos
Photos and graphics prep are an important part of the overall picture. I can create those as well as videos. For examples, see the Portfolio.
Need a website overhaul or a new site? I’d be glad to help! I’m experienced with self-hosted WordPress,, and Squarespace.