It’s a fact. Websites and social media platforms require photos and videos. Where to find them? In addition to purchasing stock photos, you can create your own media library. Start taking pictures everywhere you go and throughout the year. Once you have your own items, you can use them and create new iterations.
About This Photo
The tip photo used in this post is one example of a photo I took and am using in multiple places. I had picked up half a flat of fresh strawberries from one of the local farms and took a close up photo of some of the strawberries. It’s a close up, which I thought would make a good background. As you can see, I used it as the background in the image for today’s tip. I lightened the picture somewhat, cropped it, and added all the other elements. Imagine other possible variations for a picture such as this. One thought comes to mind: change the banner text to “Summer Sale” and provide details in the content area.
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For other tips in this series, see the following post.